Welcome to the Genomics Page!
In 2020, the Katahdin Hair Sheep International (KHSI) organization won an NSIIC grant to launch the first-ever NSIP genomics project in the U.S. The breed was able to leverage an existing “reference population” that was DNA-sampled in a previous study on parasite resistance, headed up by Dr. Joan Burke at the USDA research station in Booneville, AR. In 2021, we are ready to expand the project to include more participants from the Katahdin producer community, to produce our first NSIP “GEBVs” or Genomic-enhanced EBVs. Though producers will bear the cost of sample collection and processing, the grant will help fund longer-term sample storage, project coordination and other start-up costs.
Check back here to see information on the project and read about our progress!
Spring 2021 series of webinars on genomics:
A New Age in Sheep Breeding– February 16, 2021 7 pm Eastern Time Rusty Burgett, NSIP Director Watch the recorded session here |
What are Genomic-Enhanced Estimated Breeding Values?– March 2, 2021 7 pm Eastern Time Dr. Ron Lewis, University of Nebraska-Lincoln Watch the recorded session here. |
How do Genomic-Enhanced Estimated Breeding Values Impact Selection?– March 16, 2021 7 pm Eastern Time Dr. Scott Greiner, Virginia Tech Watch the recorded session here. |
The Genomic Sample Collection and Data Submission Process– March 23, 2021 7 pm Eastern Time Lynn Fahrmeier and Tom Hodgman Watch the recorded session here. |
Discussion Forum on DNA Sample Collection from 3/20/21 Tom Hodgeman and Lynn Fahrmeier. Watch the recorded session here. |
Articles and documents of interest:
- Overview GEBV Article
- On Farm Genotyping Strategies
- NSIP Genotyping Guidelines
- Genomic Evaluation Framework
- NSIP-TSU-Submission-Check-List (1).pdf revised
- Sheep-Submission-Form-NSIP-Revised 822-24
2023 Genotyping Dates
In 2023, we will submit genomic samples every 2 weeks coinciding with the regular data run dates for EBV analysis. Check out the data run calendar for those specific dates.
All samples must be delivered by the end of the day on the submission deadline to be included in that run. See the above submission form and checklist for full instructions.