Join NSIP Today

To obtain EBVs on your sheep for the first time, join NSIP today 2025-Enrollment-Form. With EBVs, purebred and seedstock producers can identify genetics that excel in their flocks and greatly accelerates genetic progress within a breed. A flock with any breed type or multiple breed types can submit data for evaluation through NSIP. The data is calculated on the performance of individual animals, related animals in the same flock and related animals in other flocks when possible.

Your NSIP membership includes:

• Free software for flock data management and submission.
• Free training and mentoring support from a like-minded sheep breeder.
• Advanced genetic evaluation calculations using proven technology.
• Comprehensive reports on both individual animals and breeds.
• Listing on NSIP website.
• News and updates via email.

Associate memberships are available for supporters of NSIP that do not submit data (i.e., breed associations, meat companies, industry affiliates, individuals and flocks generating EBVs and EPDs via other programs).

Associate members do not have voting privileges, but will be listed on the NSIP website and receive correspondence sent to all NSIP members.



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NSIP is proud to offer the American Sheep Industry with news and resources to help them make better decisions about their flocks. Learn more by visiting our NSIP Resources Page or from these links.

NSIP Board of Directors

What Are EBVs?

EBVs are science-based, industry-tested measurements of heritable traits that can be tracked and measured. For those familiar with Expected Progeny Differences (EPDs) used in cattle, EBVs are very similar. EPDs denotes the breeding value of an individual animal’s progeny whereas EBVs denote the value of the individual animal. More simply, EBVs equal EPDs times two.